I Still Love You

Guest Poet: Earl Bundage presents… “I still Love You”

It crazy where I find myself in this position. No matter how many rounds we went, pound for pound, and blow for blow, you never gave up. I just threw in the towel and walked away. I just gave up. I gave up on us.The distortion of feelings changing towards me because of the choice I made. I had to do it. Our path was heading towards destruction and our destination would have been to insanity. That’s a whole other level of heights and I’m scared of falling. It’s not that I found myself on the wrong side of a love song. I found myself on the wrong side of a love story. I’m no longer writing the story. No more telling people we been dating for 13 years when we’re only still babies and growing. I’m reading the love story now. I mean to read that you love him hit my left side of my chest hard but to read that he love you like you love me. That shook my foundation but I know it’s nothing compared to how I shook and destroyed yours. I mean no matter what mood or distance we were, when you said you love me I know you meant it. I never had to question your love. Me on the other hand, my action made you question my love for you and for that I’m truly sorry. I’m holding these cards trying to wait out this bluff because I want you back. No I want us back. As I wait on the river card which is long I guess it’s just like the poem. Love is patience. Therefore in time I will make change to myself to prove my worth. I hope for the best. I pray that things will work out in my favor because nobody will know how I feel now about you except me and the man above. I would say I love u but I’m not a new face so therefore I still love you.

EarlEarl Bundage is a great poet and doesn’t write poetry to rhyme but to speak to the masses. Follow him on Twitter.

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